Feel like you did a lot of waiting today?
A moment of philosophy if you will.
Having been on campus in Denton all summer, I somehow forgot how full the campus usually is! Today at the library I had to actually search for a computer to use. Then I waited behind a girl who was printing out one of those long power points that accompany a lecture, and of course I only had to print out 2 pages. I started to sense my own frustration growing, but realized that this was nothing new at all. In college we learn to wait like we've never waited before.
I've always felt like my college experience was about waiting. I started out waiting to even go. My first semester out of high school, I worked as a demo-lady at Sam's Club instead of going to school. I waited, worked hard and saved my money. I thought my intense waiting would be done once I got to college--wrong. You wait for everything in college. Sometimes it's your fault, other times it's just standard procedure. I waited until I was nearly a junior to decide on a major. I waited till the last minute many times to complete assignments or readings. I wait in the MCL parking lot for people to walk out to their cars so that I can get good parking spot. We all wait for our paper work to be processed for financial aid, for acceptance into campus groups, for classes to start and end. I, along with many other hopeful students am waiting till November to find out if I am accepted into TWU's College of Nursing.
It occurred to me today that college truly is a time to wait. A time where we finalize what we are going to do in the world, and who we become as people. We wait it out for 4 years or more until that fine day where we walk that stage and receive that long-awaited diploma in our hands.
But I feel that I might have missed the bigger picture on this, because waiting implies that nothing substantial is happening to us in the meantime. As a transfer and commuter student I felt I was waiting enough already in traffic to come to school, so why get involved on campus more than coming to class and going home? It's simple: We all have passions, values, and talents now--why are we waiting until graduation to use them? I chose to get involved on campus, to join a health education group and start Face AIDS.
What happens with how you spend your time now, will affect who you become once you get your diploma. Please don't wait to get involved during your stay here at TWU. If anything, college is a lesson in patience. Yes, the best is yet to come once we graduate and begin our careers. But for now, while we wait patiently, we can still be active in our passions.
Face AIDS members (L to R) Jasmin Bustamante sells a Face AIDS awareness pin. She is a busy student who founded Running Inc. on campus and also a nursing major. Tracy Wood Knabe, also a nursing major, is a mother and commuter student that chooses to be involved. Sarah Royer is also a busy nursing student that helps as she can with Face AIDS. There are over 150 campus organizations at TWU for you to get involved in.
In the end, we all will get to throw our hat in the air and say we did it. But those that were involved on campus will have been saying that all along. Life never waits, after all. And even though John Mayer may be waiting on the world to change, I know I certainly can't. We are simply too capable as students not to change things now. So the next time you are waiting in line, remember to admire patience in the person who is in front you and not just the person behind of you. We've all been there. In cases like that, waiting is necessary.
In the end, we all will get to throw our hat in the air and say we did it. But those that were involved on campus will have been saying that all along. Life never waits, after all. And even though John Mayer may be waiting on the world to change, I know I certainly can't. We are simply too capable as students not to change things now. So the next time you are waiting in line, remember to admire patience in the person who is in front you and not just the person behind of you. We've all been there. In cases like that, waiting is necessary.
Also remember, that it's never too late to get involved on campus and share your passions with others. You might have to wait to graduate, but you don't have to wait to participate! That's right, no waiting.
Yours truly,
Scarlett Pope
Student Regent
Texas Woman's University
P.S. If you see me on campus, please don't be afraid to come up and say Hi! I don't mind it at all!
screw waiting, regent pope. Instead of waiting for a parking spot I just walk. I live on campus so I can do that. Instead of waiting for books I just went to the bookstore near lowry. Oh and I showed up before 11 at the chik fil-a line so I didn't have to wait either. I even thought about tipping someone at the front of book store line to buy a cereal bar for me but I didn't cause that's sort of crossing a line.
I love this scarlett!!!! Enough said!!! you are awsome
A. Kendall
Regent, I was unaware that this blog existed, has it been "announced" in the Lasso yet?
More on topic now, I don't like waiting either but I like to look at things with different perspectives:
1. Instead of buying books at the Bookstore, since it is owned by Barnes and Nobles, why can't we purchase books online and have them delivered? Or purchase them online and pick them up at a designated place inside the bookstore?
2. Instead of having students wait inline for Chik-Fil-A what if we could have an SMS order service. We txt a string of numbers to a designated number, they receive our order and we get billed for the text, and for the order. There would be a new line and you just tell the cashier your order confirmation number which you receive from the company, and then you get your food.
From my time in waiting I use it to think up random things...:\
I'm glad you've managed to beat the wait. But your a mature transfer student, and your experience has helped you dodge it. The majority of TWU students are commuters, and they don't have the luxury of walking. Way to beat the Chik-fil-A line, but I think you may have just unleashed a well-kept TWU secret. Yes, bribery is almost always crossing the line :)
Glad you thought so. I'll be talking with the VP about the books.
As Leslie answered on facebook, yes you can order your books online. When you see your schedule in Pioneer Portal you can click a link that says "Get my books" and it will automatically pull up the books you need. I would double check with the syllabi of your professors first before mass purchasing. Of course, that's a great idea for the Chick-fil-A hold up. In fact, that might be something to bring up to the Director of IT and Aaramark. Great suggestions. I'll get back to you with what they tell me.
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